Code of conduct

A KIYO code of conduct is in place to guide our processes and actions and help us make day to day decisions. Based on the value statement, the following basic principles of ethical behaviour and conduct should guide all members of the General Assembly, Governance Board, Director, staff, volunteers, interns, partners and others involved with KIYO in their thoughts, decisions and actions. The code of conduct should be signed by the above.

The code of conduct should be considered as minimal values and norms. Furthermore, the KIYO values and code are accompanied by international and local (labour) laws and legislation regarding child safeguarding as well as KIYO labour regulations.

Values Commitments
  Being part of KIYO as a SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE organisation,
DEDICATED to achieving our mission
  • I am committed to contribute to the empowerment of children and youth to take charge of their lives and realise their rights.
  • I am committed to carry out the values and ethics of KIYO in external communication and refrain from harming the organisation.
  • I am committed to refrain from any situation creating a conflict of interest.
  • I am committed to act according to existing (child) rights frameworks.
IMPACT DRIVEN in our strategy and actions
  • I am committed to use KIYOs funds and resources in a responsible manner to maximize our impact on youth empowerment and resilience.
ACCOUNTABLE for good use of all resources, without bribery corruption or fraud
  • I am committed to be held accountable for good use of all KIYOs resources.
  • I am committed to ensure the accuracy and transparency of all KIYO’s business and financial records, to comply with financial policies and procedures and to avoid any form of fraud in knowingly making false representations or failing to disclose information.
  • I am committed to refrain from any form of bribery or corruption.
  • I agree not to disclose personal or confidential data or information to persons who should not have access to it.
  • I am engaged to respect the laws of the country where I live and particularly those relevant to the context in which I work and which apply to KIYOs activities.
  • I am committed not to use my position within KIYO to solicit a personal benefit (e.g. financial, sexual or related to another personal or professional activity).
  • I agree to use KIYO’s communications materials (computer and other) in an appropriate manner. In particular, I will not consult, download, create or distribute inappropriate or offensive materials (e.g. pornographic).
TRANSPARENT in results and procedures
  • I am committed to work and report in a transparent manner.
  • I am committed to act according to partners agreements and project documents.
  • I am committed to inform about any situation that may create a conflict of interest.
in our day to day decisions and actions
  • I am committed to limiting the negative impact we have on the environment with our actions.
REFLECTIVE about our discourse and progress
  • I am committed to look critically and constructively at our work.
  • I am committed to adopt a learning attitude regarding my own functioning as well as that of the organisation.
OPEN to dialogue and improvement
  • I am committed to communicate in a respectful and constructive manner, always creating dialogue and reflection
PROBLEM SOLVING in handling all challenges
  • I am committed to take on a constructive and problem solving attitude strengthening resilience of the organisation and everyone involved within the organisation.
MUTUAL LEARNING/LEARNERS with RESPECT for everybody and all points of view; without Abuse of any form of power that comes with being engaged in KIYO, especially related to working with vulnerable children and youth. Without harassment or violence of any kind.
  • I am committed to be professional and courteous in my dealings with others and will not use inappropriate or offensive language, either verbally or in written communications (such as e-mails).
  • I will work with partners from the perspective of mutual capacity development.
  • I will refrain from any form of power that comes with being engaged in KIYO, especially related to working with vulnerable children and youth
  • I do anything in my power to prevent harm being done to children, to minimize the risks of abuse, neglect and exploitation in KIYO supported activities. I work in line with the KIYO child safeguarding policy.
  Being part of KIYO striving for EQUALITY IN DIVERSITY,
INCLUSIVE, involving all stakeholders and broadening the reach of our programmes
  • I am committed to treat all persons equally and to create an enabling environment where all stakeholders feel valued and empowered.
  • I am committed to be Gender sensitive, and mainstream Gender throughout the organisation and its programmes.
  • I am committed to strive for equity, where sometimes a preferential treatment is needed to address challenges of specific groups.
Treating people with DIGNITY independently of social status, race, ethnicity, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, national origin, political affiliation or disability; without discrimination, harassment or violence of any kind.
  • I am committed to be sensitive to different customs and traditions and to refrain from inappropriate behaviour that may be offensive to others (especially when the culture of the work context is different from mine).
  • I refrain from any form of discrimination, harassment and bullying.
  • I respect and promote fundamental human rights without discrimination irrespective of so-called social status, race, ethnicity, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, national origin, political affiliation or disability.
  • I am committed to treat each individual with fairness, courtesy, dignity and respect whether it is staff member, a member of governance structure, a volunteer or intern, a partner or programme beneficiary or any other, regardless of their sex, culture, language, religion, …
  • I am committed to refrain from discrimination, harassment or violence of any kind.